Be real with me, An expression meant to signify the assumption of fakeness. Fakeness, a sentiment that
can be carried over to modern social media. With the existence of tools like filters, photoshop,
and perfect angles, the standard “post worthy” pictures has gone up substantially. However, a
new social media platform aims to get around this position and promote more candid and
realistic posting expectations, BeReal.
BeReal has blown up with Gen Z over the past few months, with there being almost fifty
million users being added between the months of July and August, from 21.6 MAUs (Monthly
Active Users) to 73.5 MAUs (according to The Business of Apps). As for the premise of BeReal,
all users post once per day, at the same time (as set by a timer). You have two minutes to post
what you’re doing; if you’re late, your post is labeled as such, promoting candid photos and
for users to be real.
BeReal is attempting to get around a real problem with modern social media. The timing
system limits preparation and choice, setting more realistic expectations for users posting to the
platform. As for just how effective this system will turn out to be, in terms of limiting the
superficial nature of social media, we will just have to wait and see. Let us know your thoughts on the app if you use it or social media in the comments!