Your Community
Startups.Co: New Site, New Narrative
StrateSphere Acquires Venture Highway
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Recruits WUSTL’s Wilson, Mardis to Lead Genomic Medicine Effort
Columbus a finalist for $40 million high-tech transit grant
Battelle demos a handheld anti-drone ‘gun’
Columbus #14 on Forbes list of 25 Best U.S. Cities to Have a Life And a Career in 2016
Kapow raises $14mm led by Drive Capital
Hologram, a Chicago-based Internet of Things startup, has raised $4.8 million, led by Drive Capital
Nationwide Children’s Hospital introduces AsthmaCare app – WBNS 10TV
In The Spotlight
5/25 – Startups Happy Hour: Let’s Talk Startups and Drink Beer
6/09 – Startup CBUS: Behind the Scenes Look at Ardina, a Funded Startup
6/16 – Founders Stories – Adam Torres: How We Built, Grew and Sold TeamDynamix (a SaaS business)
Franklin County Data Center – Director Information Security
Video of the Week
Your Elusive Creative Genius – Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses — and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person “being” a genius, all of us “have” a genius. It’s a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.