Zooming in on Local SEO with Lincoln Rinehart

We took August off, but we’re back! And, we’re back to our usual (oh, who are we kidding? There’s nothing “usual” about anything these days!) 7:00pm start time.


Did you know that almost half of all Google searches express local intent? Much more than searches for “CVS near me,” local SEO can affect any business with physical locations.

At its core, local SEO ensures that brick-and-mortar locations can be found online in organic search for relevant searches that express any kind of localized intent. This could be searches with city names, searches for establishments (e.g. “restaurants”), and yes the inevitable “near me” searches.

Local SEO involves a particular set of optimizations, all focusing on improving a business’s indications of relevance to the query, prominence for the product or service, and proximity to the searcher. This presentation will cover tactics for optimizing for local search, how to report on local search, and provide some bottom-line results that a business can experience when local SEO is done properly.

About Our Speaker

Lincoln Rinehart is an SEO Strategist at Adept Marketing, where he develops SEO strategies for a wide range of clients in various different industries. However, having gone to college at Ohio University in the small town of Athens, Ohio, Lincoln found passion in helping support local commerce through SEO efforts. Since graduating, he has helped Adept redefine its local SEO offering and stay on top of trends that can have a significant positive (or potentially negative) impact on small and large local business owners.

All of our Columbus WAWs are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors: Clarivoy, TeamBuilder Search, InfoTrust, and Claravine.

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