A Crossover Event with R-Ladies: R Meets Digital Analytics (Hands-on!)

This month’s event will be a crossover with the R-Ladies Columbus meetup! We will be mostly following the R-Ladies format, which means you can easily follow along with the speaker as she works through some code exploring a digital analytics data set.

No previous coding experience is required in order for you to follow along! We will be using RStudio Cloud, which is a free, browser-based environment, so be sure to sign up for an account prior to the meetup.

About R-Ladies Columbus
R-Ladies Columbus is part of a worldwide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community. The monthly meetup aims to bring together women at all R proficiency levels living in/or near Columbus, Ohio, from those looking to learn R to those looking to switch to R from another language, to those who are experts and are looking to share their expertise and collaborate. Like WAW, all events are FREE, and, while normally in-person at Covail (formerly the Columbus Collaboratory), they have been conducted virtually in these socially distant times. Leadership and mentoring roles are reserved for women and nonbinary people, while men are welcome to attend meetings as guests.

All of our Columbus WAWs are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors: Clarivoy, TeamBuilder Search, InfoTrust, and Claravine.

for more info please visit cbuswaw.com