Part of Innovate New Albany‘s TIGER Workshops Series:

LinkedIn has long been known as the place for professional networking and job search, but it also serves as a powerful sales prospecting tool. While the tool itself is easy to use, adopting best practices to maximize results requires strategy and creativity. Come see how you can use LinkedIn to zero-in specifically on the high potential prospects who are most likely to convert to valuable clients or customers. Also, learn LinkedIn techniques you can apply that improve the frequency of prospects finding your business. Finally, Matt will address the question of which users will find LinkedIn Premium worth the service’s Incremental cost.

Matt Shachter is the marketing manager for T-Pro Solutions – a SaaS Solution provider helping CPG companies more efficiently and profitably manage, analyze, and plan their trade promotions. Matt is committed to the principle that customer trust is earned by showing value with each interaction. Matt’s career Includes a unique combination of editorial, education, and B2B marketing experience. This experience has shown Matt that everyone is capable of inspiring action with the right understanding of audience, message, and medium.

8:30a – Registration & Networking
9:00a – Workshop Begins
10:30a – Workshop Concludes & Networking Resumes

Free! (& we will have coffee)

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