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Have you been part of a great team and feel like it will never happen again? If you are a manager, do you wish your teams could be more effective and perform at a higher level?

Many of us have been part of an outstanding team – that group of individuals that came together, worked hard while having fun, and exceeded everyone’s expectations. And we’ve tried to recreate that magic, but it’s proving elusive. Does it feel like you will never again experience being part of a great team?

Does a great team emerge by happenstance or kismet? How do these great teams come to be?

In this session you will be introduced to the top secret ingredients of highly effective teams, and how to mix those ingredients and cook them just right to enable great teams to emerge. We will explore that great teams do not happen by accident – there are key ingredients in every highly effective and successful team that you can add to help your team move to greatness.

This session is for anyone who works on a team or is a manager of a team regardless of your role or delivery framework. This presentation is part of COHAA’s January theme on Collaboration.

Joe Astolfi is the the Agile Transformation Coach at American Electric Power, where he works with others to be great leaders and improve their agility. He is also the Vice-Chair and a Board Member of the Central Ohio Agile Association, and an adjunct professor at Miami University. Joe’s goal is to help people love what they do while delivering exceptional business value. He has over 20 years of experience in IT and business, including portfolio management, PMO leadership, project management, personal and organizational transformation, process improvement, and career development. Joe is a Professional Scrum Master (PSM), Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO), Certified Scrum Master (CSM), a Project Management Professional (PMP), and an Accredited Coach of The Leadership Gift.

January 28, 2016

6:00 pm — Food & Networking
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm — Program

Halcyon Solutions

5880 Innovation Drive
Dublin OH 43016

Register for this event at this link: