You’re in for something special. We’re mixing it up and this month has one lightning talk and one keynote.

Keynote: The Essential Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization
Matt Simmons

UX Optimization isn’t art — it’s science.

And without significant data, it’s guesswork at best.

To effectively do Conversion Rate Optimization, you have to find an end user’s intentions and leverage these discoveries to inform future iterations.

Split Testing is a great way to do this! The data found through testing is unique to your site, and makes an awesome guide to building websites that convert.

In his talk, you’ll:

• Find out the real-world benefits of UX Optimization
• Discover what “Split Testing” and CRO really mean
• Experience real-world, practical examples
• Learn how to get started this weekend


Matt is a Tech Lead on the Front End team @ Rocket Code here in Columbus. He and the Rocket Code team are proud to build performance-driven solutions for ecommerce brands that fuel revenue and profit growth.

Matt has a heart for helping others grow professionally, and is insatiably curious about front end development. When he’s not at work, Matt enjoys fine bourbon and cigars and living the dream with his wife and absolutely adorable one-year-old daughter.

Matt’s Twitter

Rocket Code’s Twitter | <a>Website</a>

Lightning Talk: The Power of Community Love
Beth Pan

// TODO: Abstract


#BethPan {

position: Dev Evangelist @Microsoft;
background-position-x: MIS @The Ohio State University;
background-position-y: Software Engineer @Nationwide Insurance;
background-origin: The mysterious oriental;
height: 6350px (at your current resolution);
display: interests in food, music, outdoor everything, travelling, and more food;


#BethPan.ThingsAboutMe {

Always up for challenges.
Love meeting people.


Beth’s GitHub | Twitter | <a>Email</a>

• 6:00-6:30 – Social/Networking 
• 6:30-7:15 – Presentation
• 7:15-7:30 – Q&A/Discussion
• 7:30-8:00 – Social/Networking

Driving down for the event? We made a map for you highlighting the parking garages, lots, and on-street parking (blue lines) in the Arena District.

We recommend Garage 1 on the map.

Garage 1

Front Street Garage
285 N Front St
Columbus, OH 43215


• Uber: Your first ride is FREE (up to $15) with code 1h3yn 
• Lyft: Your first ride is FREE (up to $20) with code SEAN210825 
• COTA: The Cbus is a free bus that stops near Nationwide Blvd 
• Car2Go: Use code COL3500_spjpgrd for 20 free minutes & the registration fee is waived

Thank you #CbusTech, 
The Columbus Web Group Team 
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