Please join us for the July Data Viz Meetup!
Our guest speaker this month is Josh Smith. Josh is a data scientist and the Data Visualization Practice Lead at ICC.
Josh has a wealth of industry experience ranging from healthcare to retail banking. He will be presenting on data storytelling. The presentation will focus primarily on how adding narrative to the analytic process can be used to support decision making. Josh will discuss the main elements of a “data story” including setting, characters, conflict, plot, and theme.
This presentation offers a unique perspective on approaching data visualization projects that I think you all will enjoy!
6:30-7:00pm == dinner/networking
7:00-7:15pm == updates/introductions
7:15-8:00pm == presentation
Catering will be provided. Parking in the lot is free.
Please RSVP as only the first 50 respondents will be able to attend!