Abstract: SELECT statements have a reputation for being very easy to write, but hard to write very well. This session will take you through ten of the most problematic patterns and anti-patterns when writing queries and how to deal with them all. Loaded with live demonstrations and useful techniques, this session will teach you how to take your SQL Server queries mundane to masterful.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with the SELECT statement on Microsoft SQL Server.
Goal 1: Implement a reusable Transact-SQL test harness for reliable query results.
Goal 2: Learn ten patterns that kill the performance of SELECT statements and how to avoid them.
Goal 3: Discover the high-impact metadata that shows how a SELECT statement behaves … or misbehaves.
Summary: Learn how to assess query performance, guarantee consistent query tuning, and avoid ten all-too-common performance killers in SELECT statements running on Microsoft SQL Server.
Kevin Kline is a renowned database expert and software industry veteran. A long-time Microsoft data platform MVP and noted leader in the IT data management industry, Kevin is a founder and former president of PASS and the author of popular IT books like SQL in a Nutshell. Kevin is a principal program manager for SentryOne. Kevin is a top-rated speaker at industry trade shows worldwide. He tweets at @kekline.