What is it like to work at a startup that has secured millions in funding, or experienced rapid growth?

How does your job or role change or adapt throughout those seismic events?

See it through the eyes of some folks who have been there from the beginning. We are extremely fortunate to have Jimmy Devine (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jwdevine/), the Engineering Group Lead at Root Insurance, and Daniel Dalton (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ddalton1/), the Manager of Pharmacy Solutions at ScriptDrop, join our Startup Life panel discussion.

We’ll hear entertaining anecdotes, surprises, challenges, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions, in what should be a lively and engaging conversation!

9-9:20: Networking & coffee
9:20-9:25: 1 Million Cups introduction
9:25-10: Panel & Q&A
10-10:30: More networking & coffee

1 Million Cups was started in 2012 by the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, and has since grown to over 180 chapters nation-wide. Its purpose is to educate and connect entrepreneurs over coffee and conversation, and fuel the entrepreneurial community. For more information, visit our website: https://www.1millioncups.com/columbusoh