Please join us for our third quarterly meeting of 2016. We have two dynamic presenters queued up for the meeting, with two presentations sure to help with your professional development…

When & Where:
Start: 2016/09/22 8:30 AM
End : 2016/09/22 12:00 PM

Expedient Presentation Hall
5000 Arlington Centre Boulevard, Upper Arlington, OH

We hope to see you there!

NoSQL (What, Where, When, Why, & How)

Different problems require different tools for solving them.  Everyone has a hammer and having a toolbox full of differently sized hammers is not the best approach.  As data needs morph from “a single source of the truth” to “a single source of the truth based on a particular perspective”, understanding the best tool for each of those perspectives is key to providing the best access and understanding to those data needs.  In this presentation, NoSQL (or schema-less) data stores will be discussed and how each of them is targeted towards specific problems.  Additionally, we will examine architectural traits of systems than lend themselves to distributed data and how NoSQL can help implement those types of designs.

About the speaker:
William Klos is a Senior Architect and Centric’s National Cloud Services Lead. Bill’s career has spanned many aspects of computing and at times has architected solutions from the perspective of data, networking, enterprise, and security – but is primarily an application architect. Most recent experience has him providing solutions around Mobility, Cloud, and Big Data architectures as well as API design and development. Bill has been involved with technology since abandoning his desire to be a real architect and stumbling into his first computer science class in 1985. Since then he has typically pushed companies into “what’s next”.


Agile is Hard To Do With Data Warehousing (and Still Worth It)

Agile approaches to software development have flourished under object oriented approaches to software. Being able to deliver business value frequently (monthly, weekly, daily) has been made technically possible due to continuous integration, unit test frameworks, smaller pieces of code, collective code ownership, and frequent refactoring. Moving in the same direction is possible within data warehousing environments, but presents different challenges.

About the speaker: 

Mike Kaiser has been involved in Columbus area IT for 15 years. He is an Agile Coach and Data and Analytics Lead at Centric Consulting. He also serves on the board at the Central Ohio Agile Association (COHAA). Mike’s career has been about maximizing business outcomes via IT, and his passion to bring lightweight and collaborative software approaches to teams has resulted from that.