Please join us September 15th from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon for Rev1 Ventures’ Startup Program: from Concept to Growth.
Program: Starting a business is a complex and challenging venture. But entrepreneurs don’t have to fly blind. There are five key “knowable unknowns” that every founder must solve for – and in the right order – to be successful.
Rev1 Ventures’ Mike McCann will walk through the challenges and questions every founder must answer in these areas of their business:
· Product
· Customer
· Business
· Talent
· Capital
Presenter: Mike McCann is Vice President, Programs & Partner Engagement at Rev1 Ventures. Mike helps clients “make history of their own” by leading strategic programs that provide access to expertise and talent. He connects startups with quality advisors, professional services firms, and top talent. Mike earned his BA and MBA at The Ohio State University.
Location: The Dublin Entrepreneurial Center is located at 565 Metro Place South, Dublin, Ohio 43017 on the first floor. For more information visit our website or even better join the conversation on twitter, facebook, or LinkedIn.