ReactJS Columbus returns February 26th at IGS Energy for an evening of mingling, food and deeper-dive talks on topics including styled-components and bundle splitting.

Talk 1: styled-components
You’ve adopted React and are loving how your components are nicely self-contained and portable, except for one problem: that CSS. styled-components gives developers an elegant way of integrating styles directly into JSX so you can get back to coding and forget about manually maintaining stylesheets.

Talk 2: bundle splitting
Single page apps can be great for offering a snappy user experience until they get so large that initial load times become a headache. Bundle splitting provides a way to work around this by splitting your code into various bundles which can then be loaded on demand or in parallel, potentially offering major benefits for bandwidth consumption and load times.

Come ready with questions and an appetite!

Walt Hengely – IGS Energy
Brandon Mills – Drive Capital

6:00 – arrive, eat and mingle
6:15 – welcome, introductions, sponsor shoutout
6:20 – talk 1: styled-components with Walt Hengely
6:40 – q&a / brief intermission
6:50 – talk 2: bundle splitting with Brandon Mills
7:10 – q&a
7:15 – thank you / announcements
7:20 – mingling
7:45 – wrap up