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ReactJS Columbus returns March 26th at CoverMyMeds for an evening of mingling, food and more featured talks.
Featured Talks:
** Flat States other than Kansas (why redux works better with flat state structures) with Adam Harrison **
Adam Harrison is a Software Developer from CoverMyMeds. When not building software, he spends his time exploring all facets of table top gaming. Currently playing Gloomhaven (no spoliers!)
** React and GraphQL with Steve Gacka **
Steve Gacka is Founding Engineer & VP of Product at
6:30 – Doors Open / Noms and Mingling
6:45 – Welcome and Introductions
6:50 – Featured Talk with Adam Harrison
7:20 – Featured Talk with Steve Gacka
7:45 – Thank You / Announcements
7:50 – Mingling
8:15 – Wrap Up