Pardon event change with GDEX + Origins weekend delay. We are observing an online experience for Prototype and Play events while we stay at home. This event will be online and remote via our Discord channel (see link in event notes below). The environment is still a bit shaky still this month. Therefore, for the safety of everyone, we’re staying to ONLINE-ONLY for this month. Check-in at the end of each month for in-person and online updates.

Feel free to sign up here on Meetup and know that we are now inviting all interested participants to showcase their games online! Come see our games and/or present.

If you are interested in showcasing, please message me on Discord in our COGG Server here: (I’m WolfG4M3r#6815)
OR email us at Please let me know who you are, what you are showcasing, a contact if possible (email is best!), and about what time frame you want to showcase between 6pm-9pm. It could be the whole time if you like!

If you have any questions or comments, as always, feel free to reach out to us at!