Some people were “born” to be Olympic Champions! Other people were born to be successful Project Management Professionals! And, some people were born to be spectators!
Remember just because you have a swimming pool doesn’t mean you will break swimming records, if fact it doesn’t even guarantee you can swim. We are all faced with choices in life and those choices will go a long way toward determining your level of success.
Project Management, as a career, is a choice. The level of success one can achieve will be greatly dependent upon how well you capitalize on the potential benefits of the plethora of tools available to support your efforts. These myriad tools have been developed to make the job of becoming recognized as a true PMP (not a Paper PMP) more easily achievable. Obviously, tools unused add no value. Tools used, but not mastered, make limited contributions to quest to become a champion. The saying goes, “Use it or Lose it”!
This presentation will focus on the basic “tools of the trade” and illustrate what is necessary to use those tools as a Segway to success in the field of project management. An analogy of an Olympic Gold Medal winning swimmer will be used to illustrate what actions are necessary if you hope to propel yourself to the top of your chosen career. Those attending this presentation will leave with a renewed level of enthusiasm and focus on choices they must make to assure continuous improvement in project management.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this presentation attendees should be able to select and use PM tools that will add maximum value to their ability to achieve specific goals and objectives—professional or personal.
Speaker & Bio:
Lee R. Lambert, PMP, PMI Fellow
CEO Lambert Consulting Group