This meeting is in-person and online.

In person:
Fusion’s New Office
8940 Lyra Drive Suite 220 · Columbus, OH

Meeting also announced at our new Power BI Community User Group site!

An Introduction to the Three Pillars of Azure Machine Learning:
Azure ML might seem like an intimidating tool, but it does not have to be! Join Arthur Dooner, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, in an introduction to Azure ML, the “Azure ML workspace”, with three key domains to build analysis in:
1. Azure ML Designer (Drag and Drop ML Models)
2. Azure ML Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)
3. Azure ML Notebooks (jupyter-like interactive programming environment).

With these three domains, we will take sample data and feed it through the three different pathways, seeing how we can build ML models consistently, evaluate them, and deploy them to making real predictions for us.

We will also cover What’s New with Power BI and the ever popular Power Pint downstairs at Atlas Tavern after the meetup!

To join remotely:
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Or call in (audio only)
[masked],,[masked]# United States, Indianapolis

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