In the good old days, Ma and Pa use to own a shop. When a customer came in they would watch said customer and offer assistance, showing them where to go or making suggestions on what they should buy. Flash forward to today where Ma and Pa are on the web. How can you turn those digital customers into reality? How can you help them find what they’re looking for faster, and turn a consideration into a sale? And most of all, how can you see what they are doing and where they are going.

Anthony Anselmo and Scott Smith from Nationwide will help answer these questions and many more.

Anthony Anselmo  has been a web industry expert for over 18 years. With knowledge compiled from the very beginning of the internet to programming, design, development and now digital analytics. Anthony has been called the ‘guru’ of all things Web. Anthony currently holds the position of specialist at Nationwide to which he works to help implement Analytics Tags on all of Nationwide’s customer and financial assets.  During 2014-2015 Anthony led Nationwide through a successful transition from WebTrends to Google Analytics using the Ensighten Manage application. Turning electronic customers into ‘bits and bytes’ Anthony helps Nationwide’s data guru receive the information they need to make business decisions on a daily basis.

Pizza and salad lunch will be provided at no cost courtesy of the Tony R. Wells Foundation.


What is the Nonprofit IT Forum?

2nd Tuesday each month – Open to all – No cost to attend – Lunch included!

• Share ideas

• Find opportunities to collaborate

• Keep your skills up-to-date

• Enhance your nonprofit’s IT

• Build your capacity to serve your clients

Often, we feature a guest speaker on a particular IT topic, but the floor is always open for discussion. Come with your questions on any IT topic – offer your unique perspective.

For our Nonprofit IT Forum, you are encouraged to bring your questions on any IT topic.  We will open the floor for discussion.

Thank you to The Wells Foundation for generously providing lunch each month!

Thank you Jewish Community Center for kindly hosting us each month!