Part of Innovate New Albany‘s TIGER Workshops Series:

</a>Mindfulness Meditation is a great tool for personal development, focus, emotional intelligence and relaxation. This workshop is for anyone who wants to meditate and isn’t sure where to start or “how to do it.” It will also be valuable for those who meditate and want to review the basics of the practice.

In this workshop you will be introduced to the foundation principles and basic exercises of the practice and receive access to recorded guided meditations to help you start your own practice. Come and learn how meditation can help you increase your productivity, manage stress, and improve your leadership skills.

<a href=””>Juan Alvarez teaches meditation and coaches executives in conscious leadership development. A former executive of 18 years, Juan has studied the philosophy and practiced meditation since his early twenties.

9:30a – Registration & Networking
10:00a – Workshop Begins
11:30a – Workshop Concludes & Networking Resumes

Free! (& coffee will be served)

Register Now »»