MEC Presents: Life Lessons Over Lunch
Please join us on Tuesday, December 6th from 12:00pm – 1:30pm.
Program:Life Lessons over Lunch was launched in Columbus metro area about 3 years ago by Mr. Paul Kilzer; SJ joined him as a co-leader about 15 months ago. LLOL seeks to offer those who attend the luncheon an opportunity to do all of the below in 90 mins. Or less :
• Open networking ( meet new people, reconnect with others whom you already know)
• Complimentary lunch ( no cost – thanks to generous sponsors each month )
• Professional & Leadership Development ( via watching & discussing a video of the month )
Attendees should take away the following :
• Some new business cards
• A full stomach
• Another step taken on the forward road of lifelong learning & growth.
Noon-12:15 / Open networking & intros around the table
12:15 – 1:00 / video & discussion
1:00 – 1:30 / Open networking resumes
Presenters: SJ Barakony & Paul Kilzer
The MEC is conveniently located in the heart of historic Uptown Marysville at 129 N Main Street, Marysville, Ohio. The MEC is easily accessible to visitors arriving from anywhere in Union County and the Columbus Region.
Google Street View:,-83.366824,3a,75y,236.5h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1svDTdmXosOc1SAGLRWJJ4Mg!2e0
There is on-street parking (2-hr limit) in front of the MEC, along N Main St., as well as around the corner on 4th St., and a Civic Parking Lot located at the corner of 4th and Plum Streets, one block from the facility.
More MEC Info:
For additional information about the MEC, please visit our website at