Making the transition from a systems administration role to a technology leadership role is often challenging. Many sysadmins are talented and passionate about what they do and have perfected the art of expertly managing systems, automating key processes, and adapting to a constantly changing technology stack (virtualization, cloud, containerization). The move to a leadership role requires a strong foundation in technology, but also an understanding of business processes and people. Technology leaders need to understand and effectively communicate how specific technologies can be used to solve business problems or create competitive advantages. They must also be able to create a technology vision that aligns with business goals and gain executive buy in that secures budget dollars. The speaker will talk about their journey along the path from System Administrator to the role of Chief Technology Officer.

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Jared Price ( has been with American Municipal Power since 2011 and is currently the Chief Technology Officer. In this role Jared is responsible for maintaining Enterprise IT Architecture, SCADA and Plant Systems across AMP’s portfolio of generation assets. Jared has over 10 years of experience directing IT staff, managing projects, and providing support and guidance for both enterprise and mid-sized IT departments. Prior his current role Jared worked for a large healthcare provider in central Ohio as a systems administrator and then as an IT manager. Jared’s experience spans across multiple business sectors with an emphasis on public power, banking and healthcare.


6:00PM – Introductions, food, drink, and networking
6:30PM – Presentations begin

Big thanks to our sponsor!


We’re seeking new sponsors for our events in 2018. Additionally, we still have speaking slots available in 2018. Please reach out ( if you’re interested in collaborating on this or future events.

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