Kelly Johnson taught us to KISS over 50 years ago, but like so many other lessons, we must keep relearning it.
To remain nimble, we strive to simplify our code, tools, processes, systems, and organizational structures.
Jason will review some collected principles in service of diminishing our cognitive load:Clarity matters most.Duplication breeds confusion.Experimental iteration begets quality.Automation encourages experimentation.Immutability simplifies scale.CLIs exceed GUIs.Giants have shoulders.People always matter.
Come think about how to think about less!
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Jason Green lucked out; he fell into IT early and can’t remember a time without computers. He wrote BASIC games for his elementary school friends, taught his highschool teachers how to use spreadsheets, and administered a non-profit’s membership database in college. In the last three decades, he’s held titles like Database/Network/Systems/Software/DevOps Admin/Engineer/Architect/Consultant. Mostly, you should just consider him a geek who loves his privacy, computer security, docker, many people, a couple cats, and all python.
6:00PM – Introductions, food, drink, and networking
6:30PM –Â Presentations begin
In 2017, we’re experimenting with locations. This month we’re at the Expedient/Tree of Life building! Big thanks to them for hosting and sponsoring us! Expedient is also offering a data center tour following the presentation.
Please note that we will be sharing your name and e-mail address with Expedient as part of registration. Use an e-mail address that you don’t mind being shared.
To keep up to date with future meeting information, please subscribe to the LOPSA Columbus mailing list.
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