β’ What we’ll do
Join us for the very first “Let’s Game Together” series with the Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) students and our Central Ohio GameDev Group (COGG) members! Come and enjoy some snacks and learn about collaboration in games both from the creative and technical side. Our leads this month are Zac and Marissa from the game Bombfest (playbombfest.com/) who will be presenting at CCAD’s Canzani Center. Discover how artists and developers work together and get a chance to network with creatives, developers, and just anyone interested in learning more about what game development is all about. After presentations, we’ll open the chance to play Bombfest as well!
β’ What to bring
Just your wonderful self is all that is required!
β’ Important to know
Any questions on venue events details please do e-mail us at info@thecogg.com