** RSVP required in event brite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/javascript-and-friends-react-meetup-tickets-69192459509
We invite experienced developers, boot camp students , self taught developers and others who are interested to explore React and share experiences with each other. Learn React at your own pace !!
Join the online meetup. Link will be shared prior to the meetup.
26-August-2019 Agenda
06:30 PM – 6:40 PM – Introductions and Networking
06:40 PM – 07:40 PM – Talk by Daniel Scheufler
07:40 PM – 07:50 PM – Follow up Questions and Closing
Talk Details –
Title – Web UI Testing? Yes, You can!
Description –
Those back-end guys really seem bought into this TDD idea. What with their interface mocking and SOLID design principles. But is such a thing even possible in the Front-End? Besides everyone knows UI tests are painfully slow!
Guess what ? Not only can TDD be used in the Front-End, it will improve your designs, just like it does in the back-end. What’s more is you can do with without having to write laboriously slow UI tests!
Come learn how to improve the design of your React Components and Redux Store using TDD Best practices, and see why mocking is even easier in Javascript than it is in C#!
Speaker Bio –
Daniel Scheufler is a Senior Consultant with Improving, and ‘Man-Machine Translator’. He strives to bridge the language gap not only between his clients and their machines, but even between the business and their developers.During recent work with an Ecommerce client, he encountered a means to apply his C# testing skills to React, Redux, and Javascript in general. Each team he’s tried it with has benefitted from reduced bugs, and found the Knowledge Transfer has become easier.
Open for all.
** RSVP required in event brite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/javascript-and-friends-react-meetup-tickets-69192459509