**Registration Required in Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/javascript-and-friends-conference-registration-60880128102
JavaScript and Friends(JS&Friends) is a not-for-profit conference organized by a team of volunteers.
Who should attend?
JS&Friends is for everyone. If you are interested in JavaScript and topics related to JavaScript, this conference is for you!
Our breakout sessions this year cover core JavaScript , Node , Frameworks like Angular, Vue, React, Testing , Miscellaneous and Professional Skills tracks.
Whether you are a seasoned professional, a boot camp or college student, a self-taught developer,or anywhere in between, this conference is for you!
Aug-01-2019 – Pre Conference Workshop Day at Improving Columbus
Aug-02-2019 – Conference Day at Quest Conference Center.
Our workshops will be 4-hr workshops with Lunch included as part of the workshop.
Student Discounts
Students enrolled in college, boot camp or self taught aspiring developer enrolled in FreeCodeCamp, looking for your first job , reach out to us at info@javascriptandfriends.com to inquire about student registration discounts.
We are excited to meet you at our First Inaugural Annual Conference!!
Check our website for schedule and speaker details.
**Registration Required in Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/javascript-and-friends-conference-registration-60880128102
** Speakers and schedule subject to change.