Amazon QLDB is a Ledger database that provides an immutable history of the changes to your data. QLDB provides a cryptographically verifiable transaction log that cannot be modified, creating an unfalsifiable history of every transaction committed to the database. It is a serverless pay-as-you-go document database that can be queried using a SQL-like query language.

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Dan Blaner | Solutions Architect @AWS
Dan is a Solutions Architect at AWS with over 25 years of experience designing and building technology solutions. He spends his days helping customers understand cloud computing, planning workload migrations, and designing well-architected systems in the cloud. Lately, Dan focuses on Amazonโ€™s nifty new database, Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), helping customers understand how the ledger database increases data integrity and transparency. You can occasionally find Dan speaking at AWS events like re:Invent, Summits, and AWSโ€™ Pop-Up Lofts or even helping great partners with webinars.

Andrew May | Cloud Solutions Lead @Leading EDJE
Andrew is the Cloud Solutions Lead at Leading EDJE, an AWS Partner Network Select Consulting Partner. Andrew has been consulting for Leading EDJE for 13 years and building solutions on AWS for the last 6 years. He’s a stickler for detail, and a fierce code reviewer. Originally from the UK, Andrew’s accent has settled somewhere in the mid-Atlantic. Andrew is a regular presenter at the Columbus AWS Meet-up and regional conferences.