The main presentation for this meeting will be lead by John Dages.

Title: Sports Betting with Azure Machine Learning

Abstract: If you are anything like me, I would happily shell out hundreds of dollars in cloud compute costs to win a five dollar bet from a colleague. And now with the cloud and publicly available data, we are positioned to analyze years of NFL data to make predictions based on past performance.In this session, we will chew through 25 years of NFL data to determine the most relevant and reliable predictors of NFL outcomes. From head to head performance and win records to undergraduate degrees and weather patterns, learn how to leverage large volumes of inconsistent data to draw actionable insights from your data.This presentation will include technical walkthroughs on Azure Machine Learning. No previous experience is required.

Speaker Bio: John is passionate about delivering application solutions for the cloud. John began his career in developing custom solutions and has since worn a number of different hats. From development to process guidance, from strategy to management, Johnโ€™s entire professional life is delivering value for consulting customers.Five years ago, John collaborated with a flagship Fusion customer on migrating their entire application suite to the cloud and hasnโ€™t looked back since. John has provided cloud strategy and implementation services to customers across the Midwest in industries as disparate as retail, financial services, logistics and energy. John is always seeking new methodologies, tools, and approaches to serve customers on their cloud journey.John holds a PSD and PSM and a BA in computer science from DePauw University.