*Please note, you must register through this link to receive instructions on how to access the virtual event:
If you were recently laid off or are exploring your career options, join us for a virtual discussion with career changers who flipped the script and pivoted their careers into technology.
– Learn why they made the decision to change careers
– Learn what steps they took to explore career paths and options
– Learn what lessons they learned along the way, what they’d do differently and advice to anyone considering a career change
Have a question you want answered? Submit it during registration!
Career Changers Include:
Rebecca Sullivan: Summer 2016 Tech Elevator Cleveland graduate
Before Tech Elevator: Marketing Director at salon provider
After Tech Elevator: Software Engineer at Google
Justin Gompers: Spring 2019 Tech Elevator Pittsburgh graduate
Before Tech Elevator: Chef
After Tech Elevator: Web Developer at 84 Lumber
Scout Wallace: Fall 2019 Tech Elevator Columbus graduate
Before Tech Elevator: Air Force Lieutenant
After Tech Elevator: Software Developer at OCLC, a global library cooperative
Heidi Gray: Summer 2019 Tech Elevator Detroit graduate
Before Tech Elevator: Freelance film production
After Tech Elevator: Software Developer at United Shore
Moderated by Tech Elevator’s Lead Career Coach, Kelly Brucker