Official registration here:
GiveBackHack is the launchpad for social innovation in Columbus.
Have you ever had an idea to solve an issue in our community? GiveBackHack is the next step. Attend to partner up with the community and find the resources to make that idea a reality.
The event will kick off Friday night, where community members of all backgrounds who are eager to make an impact on the city around them will meet and exchange ideas. The crowd favorties will be identified and teams will form around them. Participants will then spend the weekend mentored by top social entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders, venture capitalists and prominent business men/women as they vet their ideas and build them into real products – physical products, smartphone applications, websites and anything else that will innovate on the issues we face in Columbus.
Who attends?
Engaged citizens, designers, developers, non-profit leaders, business men/women, entrepreneurs, changemakers and more.
What do I need?
A passion to make an impact on the community. Nothing else. You don’t need an idea or specific background in order to attend. You just need to come ready to work hard to solve problems.
If you do have an idea to make an impact – awesome. You’ll pitch that and get the chance to get talented people to work with you to make it a reality.
Why should I attend?
The reasons are endless, but here are just a few:
– You’ll make an impact on your community by working to solve to top social issues we face through innovation.
– You’ll learn a lot about social issues, how to bring an idea into a well-vetted reality and how physicially build something amazing. You’ll meet an amazing community of motivated people – people who will work with you and change the world.
– You’ll also get the opportunity to gain seed capital for your idea. Top teams will move forward with a portion of $10,000 in seed capital to help continue their ideas.
Refund Policy: Refunds will be granted up until 14 days prior to the event. Food, drink and shirts will be ordered in advance. We apologzie for any inconvenience this may cause.
Participation Agreement:
As organizers in your local community, we’re working hard to provide you with an experience to meet community members, interact with prominent local entreprenurs and non-profit leaders. GiveBackHack is a community, non-profit event. The event is intended to be a collaborative forum for sharing, learning, building, and having fun. As such, by registering as a participant, you acknowledge that any ideas shared by you or anyone else over the course of the event are contributions to the overall experience and community. If you as a participant are worried about someone stealing your ideas, please reconsider your participation in the event itself or simply refrain from sharing specifics about your idea.
As a member of your community, you agree to to be inclusive of any and all people and their ideas. You agree to act professionally, treat everyone with respect, and treat the facilities with proper care. You agree that you are responsible for any accidents or damages that you cause. You also agree to not hold GiveBackHack, your local volunteer team, or any of the event supporters liable for any loss, damage, injury, or any other unforeseeable incident. If the organizing team feels you are not acting within the spirit of the event, you may be asked to leave without a refund for the event.
By Participating at the event, you grant GiveBackHack permission to capture photo/video of the event.