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This is the June meetup for the Columbus Azure ML and Power BI User Group. Details are:

This month is a twofer. Dave Buschmohle and Stuart Johnson are going to take us all the way through the Power BI platform. We will start with Dave showing the power of the data handling capabilities and how to properly create a dimensional model from a typical flat file. Stuart is going to show some of the analytic power of the Power BI service by using government data on long term care facilities. We will drill down from the national level to the state level and then be able to see the individual problems with any long term care facility in the country. Boy will that worry you. We will finish by delivering the dashboard we have just built to several mobile devices so you will be able to appreciate the power of this platform. Dave is a Data Analyst at Nationwide Insurance. Stuart is a Senior Business Intelligence Developer at Advanced Computing. Also, please note that the signage on our building has changed to reflect our new branding. So the new signage says “Fusion Alliance” in place of the “Quick Solutions”. Just FYI that you are still in the right place!