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CURA Speaker: Dr. Kristin Tolle, Microsoft Research

Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43210

“Collaborative analytics: Meeting global challenges through shared research and development”


CURA is pleased to present a marquee event this spring in conjunction with Translational Data Analytics @ Ohio State, Ohio State ADVANCE, The Women’s Place, and the STEAM Factory. Kristin M. Tolle is the Director of the Data Science Initiative in Microsoft Research Outreach, where she has worked since 2000 for several product teams including the Natural Language Group, Visual Studio, and the Microsoft Office Excel Team. Since joining Microsoft Research’s outreach program in 2006, she has run several major initiatives from Biomedical computing and environmental science to more traditional computer and information science programs around natural user interactions and data curation. She also directed the development of the Microsoft Translator Hub and the Environmental Science Services Toolkit.

This talk will focus on research collaborations which cut across sectors providing interesting breakthroughs in research and development. Examples include how cloud-based data analytics services can be leveraged to perform research analyses and facilitate collaboration for geographically dispersed teams and co-investigators. The use cases discussed will focus on global challenges—such as healthcare and climate change. They will also highlight collaborations that occur across organization boundaries—such as industry, government and academia. Pushing the state of the art can be facilitated through these partnerships—public/private and academic/industry—when each group bring their unique strengths and perspectives to bear on scientific problems.

Dr. Tolle is an editor, along with Tony Hey and Stewart Tansley, of one of the earliest books on data science, The Fourth Paradigm: Data Intensive Scientific Discovery. Her current focus is develop an outreach program to engage with academics on data science in general and more specifically around using data to create meaningful and useful user experiences across devices platforms. Prior to joining Microsoft, Tolle was an Oak Ridge Science and Engineering Research Fellow for the National Library of Medicine and a Research Associate at the University of Arizona Artificial Intelligence Lab managing the group on medical information retrieval and natural language processing. She earned her Ph.D. in Management of Information Systems with a minor in Computational Linguistics.

Dr. Tolle’s present research interests include global public health as related to climate change, mobile computing to enable field scientists and inform the public, sensors used to gather ecological and environmental data, and integration and interoperability of large heterogeneous environmental data sources. She collaborates with several major research groups in Microsoft Research including the natural language processing group, eScience, computational science laboratory, computational ecology and environmental science, and the sensing and energy research group.

Join the data analytics community for Dr. Tolle’s lecture at 4:00pm on Tuesday, April 19 in the Wexter Center Film/Video Theater. All are welcome to attend; this is an event meant to bridge the university and the community. RSVP is strongly encouraged. There will be time at the end of her lecture for question and answer. Please contact Matthew Adair, CURA’s Program Coordinator, with any questions at 614-292-5930.