Please join us at the DEC on Thursday, January 19th from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. 

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Program:  2017 is going to move very, very fast. Some people are going to get ahead… are you one of them?

Jason Dhir has several topics that he covers during a full workshop.  Due to time restrictions, Jason will focus more on the following topics:

• Immediate “shifts” in thinking patterns to experience massive break through.

• Howto tap into your talents, find your platform and unleash your “Inner

• Boost productivity, creativity and discover the recipe for the ‘IT’ factor.

General Notes on Seminar & What to Expect:

• The idea of this seminar is to have clients walking out feeling invigorated and with tools to execute an immediate action plan.

• Jason will cover a lot of ground in this seminar. Keeping people’s attention is key and he fully immerse them into a culture of unique thinking patterns that help them achieve their goals.

The seminar style is aggressive but dynamic. Everything covered is relevant to anyone’s particular situation in a simple to understand style with the use of
stories, analogies and client interaction.

There will be a 10-15 minute Q&A to close out the presentation.

Presenter: Jason Dhir, CEO/Audacious Visionary

Jason Dhir has been involved in the fitness and sports nutrition supplementation industry for 18 years since his youth. Born in the United Kingdom, Jason relocated to the United States to live his dream.  Following the motto that ‘You are only as strong as your weakest link’.

Jason has a vast background in every facet of the industry including import/export, product distribution, producing trade shows, published articles of work, philanthropic work, athlete contracting, brokering, marketing, sales, conceptual design, product formulation and development. Jason also owned and operated a Retail store, a Consulting Company and a Production Company.  

Jason’s goal isn’t just to motivate, it’s to educate and give attendees the tools and inspiration needed to start making an impact in overall life fulfillment today!

11:45 am – 1:00 pm:  Complimentary networking lunch sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings.

11:00 am – 1:00 pm:  Free Professional Small Business Advice

• Startup/Scaleup 1-on-1 with Representatives from Rev1 Ventures

• Financial 1-on-1 with Andrew Rosenbeck, 5/3rd Bank

• Human Resources 1-on-1 with Representative Tyler Abrams, Sequent

• Legal 1-on-1 with legal counsel, Carlile, Patchen & Murphy

• Accounting 1-on-1 with Rea & Associates

Location:  The Dublin Entrepreneurial Center is located at 565 Metro Place South, Dublin, Ohio 43017. For more information visit our website or even better join the conversation on twitter, facebook, or LinkedIn.