Who: Professionals across Ohio and students seeking a data analytics internships or full-time positions  

What: Heavy hors d’oeuvres and networking   

REQUIRED Registration: $400 for 2 representatives per company (Price accommodations can be made- please ask!)  

OSU’s Big Data and Analytics Association would like to invite you to the Data Analytics Networking Night. This year, the event will be more relaxed than a career fair, providing a chance to interact casually but still obtain talent. There will no booths nor resume handouts (electronic resumes will be provided beforehand). Small tables will be set up with your company name in order for students to seek you out. We ask that you not bring your own signage nor props. Students will be passing out business cards but resumes will only be collected online. We will reserve rooms on campus for interviews up to a few days following the event for any company interested. 

Deadline for company registration is Friday, September 2nd at 5:00 PM. We have a capacity for the number of companies to attend so please RSVP to ohiostatebdaa@gmail.com at your earliest convenience.
Company cancellations received past Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 will not be eligible to receive a refund. Please email ohiostatebdaa@gmail.com with any questions.