</a> <a href=”https://www.cbuswaw.com/events/columbus-waw-august-2017/”>


Rev1 Ventures

Email + Data: Bringing Sexy Back

Don’t let anyone tell you email isn’t a sexy marketing channel. With more data available than ever before, we as data analysts and email marketers can leverage what we know about our audiences to make them swoon in ways only email can. Join Elaine Armbruster – Director of Email Marketing & Marketing Automation at The Ohio State University – to take a look at how the power of email and data combined can turn up the heat on audience insight and engagement.

All of our Columbus WAWs are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors:

</a> <a href=”http://teambuildersearch.com/”>

</a> <a href=”http://www.adeptmarketing.com/”>

</a> <a href=”http://www.clarivoy.com/”>

A/V support, including a Facebook Livestream of the event, provided by Darin Young from .