The Columbus Tech Community Coalition has provided us with access to Google Meet. Join us via the online meeting link elsewhere in this page.


An Evening of Kibitzing and Coding.

Columbus Code Jam is a casual meetup to pair on cool projects, to get one-on-one guidance from experienced developers & sys admins, to network, learn, and eat pizza.

Twitter: @CodeJamCMH

Some topics we’ve discussed while hacking:

Git Workflows for moving from single-developers to small teams.

Modelling tree structures in RDBMS tables and the SQL to query them.

Computing in the bad-old-days of dial-up.

What are the IT needs of a small not-for-profit foundation looking to create an informational web site for foundation members/subscribers?

How often does one need to collect data samples to monitor the performance of an application.

Demonstrating the difference between ‘programming’ and ‘coding’ by deriving an algorithm to sort a list of numbers.

Where can an entrepreneur go in Columbus to find technical resources and/or investors.

What additional tools and skills are needed to go from an HTML/CSS/JS prototype to a full-featured application.

How to refactor large methods into several smaller methods in a Rails Model.

What kinds of web site analytics are available for word press sites?

What are some good online resources for a single-founder software startup dealing with marketing and launching software products?

Come and add your voice and language to the conversation.

Please RSVP so that we can ensure that there are enough refreshments for everybody.

Refreshments for Columbus Code Jam are provided by Len Jaffe. Are you interested in sponsoring Code Jam? Contact Len Jaffe for details.

Columbus Code Jam is brought to you by: Ohio Roller Derby (, Columbus Perl Underground (, and a nice hot cup of coffee.