This Month’s Presentations:
What’s in a Name? (No, really?)
We’ll take a brief look at a pair of Foundation classes that can be useful when you are dealing with names for humans.
Kevin Munc is just some guy who refers to Android as “aOS”.
PDF Creation within an iOS App
iOS11 added support for PDFKit. See how to create a PDF document within your app for printing or email.
Jack Ryan is a semi-retired investment guy trying to learn Swift from the pros. Responsible for RefEvaluation, an app for evaluating basketball officials.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: cocoa
What is Cocoaheads (
CocoaHeads is a group devoted to discussion of Apple Computer’s Cocoa Framework for programming on MacOS X and iOS (including the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch). During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics.
What is BuckeyeCocoa (
BuckeyeCocoa is a group of Objective-C/Swift developers/enthusiasts. We host monthly Cocoaheads and near-weekly NSCoder meetings in Columbus, Ohio. The meetings are free to attend.
Presenters welcome! We are always in need of people willing to present material. Any Swift and/or Objective-C related topic is welcome. Times can be 5 minutes (i.e. lightning talks) to a maximum of 2 hours. Interested? Contact info is on the BuckeyeCocoa website.
To volunteer for a presentation contact us at @BuckeyeCocoa on Twitter.
Follow us on Twitter! @BuckeyeCocoa (!/Buckeyecocoa/) For more information: