This Month’s Presentations:
Getting to Know the XCTest Lifecycle
You write tests, right? _Right…?_ In this short talk, we’ll take a look at some of the nooks and crannies of XCTest, so that next time we write a test we’ll be more familiar with what’s happening around our assertions.
Kevin Munc has been programming professionally since 1997, and writing iPhone apps since 2009. He likes it very much. He hopes that someday he’ll be really good at it.
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
David will be discussing the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile which eases the development and integration of business logic written in Kotlin with native Android and iOS apps.
David Nedrow is an Apple platform developer. He holds degrees in both Film and Computer Science. When not slaving away at work, David and his wife frequently go to the movies. Also, when David talks about “Star Trek”, he means the TV show “Star Trek”, not any of the colon-delimited shows.
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What is Cocoaheads (
CocoaHeads is a group devoted to discussion of Apple Computer’s Cocoa Framework for programming on MacOS X and iOS (including the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch). During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics.
What is BuckeyeCocoa (
BuckeyeCocoa is a group of Objective-C/Swift developers/enthusiasts. We host monthly Cocoaheads and near-weekly NSCoder meetings in Columbus, Ohio. The meetings are free to attend.
Presenters welcome! We are always in need of people willing to present material. Any Swift and/or Objective-C related topic is welcome. Times can be 5 minutes (i.e. lightning talks) to a maximum of 2 hours. Interested? Contact info is on the BuckeyeCocoa website.
To volunteer for a presentation contact us at @BuckeyeCocoa on Twitter.
Follow us on Twitter! @BuckeyeCocoa (!/Buckeyecocoa/) For more information: