Come out to Easton and Improving for our monthly iOS and Mac meetings.

This Month’s Presentations:

A Deep Dive into the UIKit Responder Chain by Jeff Bailey

Let’s dive into the UIKit Responder Chain. What is it and why do I care? After an overview, we’ll look at a real world example of how it can be used as an alternative to the delegate pattern.

For the last 9 years, Jeff has been developing iOS apps for the App Store as well as enterprise apps for a number of companies in Columbus. He currently works at IGS Energy and is a partner at FourthFrame. His fitness app, Intervals Pro, has over 700K downloads and was recently featured as “App of the Day” in 129 countries.

Shortcuts for everyone by Scott Cheezem

Scott has been waiting for Siri to open up to the non-iOS Dev for seven years. We’ll talk about how to get the most of Apple’s Shortcuts app, leveraging HomePod and or Apple Watch, as well as some twists and turns to avoid along the way.

Scott is a professional iOS developer working at Abercrombie & Fitch. Prior to that he has worked for several startups in town such as Beam and FactGem. He is a co-founder of CloudHaus, a maker space here in Columbus. When not coding, wood working or 3D printing, he is creating the ultimate automated home.

What is Cocoaheads (

CocoaHeads is a group devoted to discussion of Apple Computer’s Cocoa Framework for programming on MacOS X and iOS (including the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch). During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics.

What is BuckeyeCocoa (

BuckeyeCocoa is a group of Objective-C/Swift developers/enthusiasts. We host monthly Cocoaheads and near-weekly NSCoder meetings in Columbus, Ohio. The meetings are free to attend.

Get your schwag on!

Depending on Vendor support and presentation volunteers we sometimes have schwag to give away. T-Shirts, mugs, coupons, you name it.


Presenters welcome! We are always in need of people willing to present material. Any Swift and/or Objective-C related topic is welcome. Times can be 5 minutes (i.e. lightning talks) to a maximum of 2 hours. Interested? Contact info is on the BuckeyeCocoa website.

To volunteer for a presentation contact us at @BuckeyeCocoa on Twitter.

Follow us on Twitter! @BuckeyeCocoa (!/Buckeyecocoa/) For more information: