For the November meet up, John Wallace will discuss an algorithmic trading platform written entirely in Swift.   The Macintosh application analyzes gigabytes of stock and economic data and serves processed data to an iOS app.  He will talk about the challenges of quickly loading and analyzing the data where database and even JSON files are way too slow.   Add’l, he will discuss adding server features into a Mac application using Zewo.

Come out to Easton and Improving for this great meeting.

What is Cocoaheads?

CocoaHeads is a group devoted to discussion of Apple Computer’s Cocoa Framework for programming on MacOS X and iOS (including the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch). During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics.

What is BuckeyeCocoa?

BuckeyeCocoa is a group of Objective-C/Swift developers/enthusiasts. We host monthly Cocoaheads and near-weekly NSCoder meetings in Columbus, Ohio. The meetings are free to attend.

Get your schwag on!

Depending on Vendor support and presentation volunteers we sometimes have schwag to give away. T-Shirts, mugs, coupons, you name it.


Presenters welcome! We are always in need of people willing to present material. Any Swift and/or Objective-C related topic is welcome. Times can be 5 minutes (i.e. lightning talks) to a maximum of 2 hours. Interested?  Contact info is on the BuckeyeCocoa website.

To volunteer for a presentation contact us at @BuckeyeCocoa on Twitter.

Follow us on Twitter! @BuckeyeCocoa For more information: