For the first meetup of 2017, on January 9th, we are excited to welcome Michael Collier as the featured speaker. Michael will be sharing information on containers in a Windows environment. Over the past few years, containers have become one of the hottest trends for developers and IT Pros alike. Michael will share with the group more information on how containerization is making its way into the Windows ecosystem with Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.

As in past months, following Michael’s session, we will once again hold an open architecture Q&A session. This is a time set aside for the attendees to discuss ideas or questions about Azure – a time to ask the “Can or How do I do X with Azure?” question.

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Title: Containers for Windows Developers

Abstract: Over the last few years, Docker has popularized Linux containers, but Windows developers have been left out in the cold. This changes with Windows Server 2016. At this session we’ll cover the basics of the new Windows Server container model and how to develop applications/services that can take advantage of this exciting new advancement, for cloud, for on-prem, and for the future.

Speaker Bio: Michael is currently Senior Software Development Engineer in Microsoft’s DX TED organization, where he engages deeply with select global ISVs to help them best utilize Azure’s features. Michael has over 13 years of experience with various consulting and technology firms where he was instrumental in leading and developing solutions for a wide range of clients. He has a vast amount of experience in helping companies determine the best strategy for adopting cloud computing, and providing the insight and hands-on experience to ensure they are successful. Michael is also a respected technology community leader, and is often found sharing his Microsoft Azure insights and experiences at regional and national conferences. Michael is also the co-author of a published book on Microsoft Azure entitled Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition. Follow Michael’s experiences with Azure on his blog at and on Twitter at @MichaelCollier.