Title: Streamline Database Deployments
Have you tried implementing source control? How has your continuous integration (CI) process gone?
This session is for developers, database administrators, database engineers, and data architects that want to automate their database deployments. Particularly for those individuals that have hit roadblocks along that way. We will discuss the differences between migration and stated-based deployment methods. We will also discuss options with branching and merging.
At the end of the session, attendees will know how to select the best deployment method for their environment. In addition, attendees will be familiar with branching and merging strategies that can be used as part of their continuous integration strategy.
Attendees should be familiar with general concepts about source control and be comfortable with Visual Studio or VS Code.
Elizabeth Noble is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Director of Database Development in the metro Atlanta area. It was love at first sight when she was introduced to her first database over 10 years ago. Her passion is to help others improve the quality and speed of deploying database changes through automation. When she is not trying to automate all things, she can be found spending time with her dogs, playing disc golf, or taking a walk at the gym.