Product Validation Hack: Creating your Minimum Viable Product

Who are we?

An exciting new Club has been formed in Columbus called the “Columbus PdM Club.” The Columbus PdM Club is a free social networking event connecting Product Managers and Entrepreneurs in Central Ohio. The club’s goal is to provide a forum for learning and networking (usually over drinks). The educational aspect will cover current developments in product management, inviting local Product Managers to share their insight during events. The club will also serve as a platform for discussions on all major drivers of the product management discipline such as new technologies, methodologies, best practices, and emerging models for product development.

This Month’s Event:

Do you have an idea for a Product or Start-up but you are not sure…

… where/how to start?

… how to validate that your vision aligns with customer reality? 90% of new ventures fail. “If You Build It, They Will Come” is not the path to victory

… if your solution solves someone’s problem to the point where they are willing to adopt and pay for it?

Creating a Minimum Viable Product helps you answer these questions by:

• quickly testing out the assumptions you’re making about your business

• validating that customers are indeed interested in — and willing to pay for — your solution

• helping you prioritize your product’s features

Brett Buchanan will be sharing case studies on what other, well-known startups have done and a number of helpful MVP tools and approaches 


    6:00-6:30 Food and Networking 

    6:30-7:30 Presentation Discussion 

    7:30-? – Networking