Update: We are excited to announce that Chuck Meyer a Senior Developer Advocate for AWS CloudFormation will be joining us tonight to discuss “Deep dive on CloudFormation focused on protecting your stacks with guardrails, deploying across accounts and regions and detecting drift in your stacks”. Due to weather causing flight delays, Randall will be joining us remotely to present the AWS re:Invent 2017 recap. We will work on rescheduling the 2nd topic on Sagemaker for a later meetup.

This month we have 2 special guests from Amazon Web Services, Randall Hunt to discuss AWS re:Invent 2017 recap followed by Chuck Meyer to present a Deep dive on CloudFormation focused on protecting your stacks with guardrails, deploying across accounts and regions and detecting drift in your stacks.

About Randall Hunt: Randall Hunt is a Senior Technical Evangelist and Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services in Los Angeles. Python is his favorite language but he can sometimes be found in the dark realm of C++. Randall is the author of gitshots, apodtwitter, isthe7running, as well as a contributor to MongoDB, Homebrew, boto and several other open source tools and libraries. He used to launch rockets at NASA and SpaceX but found his programming passion at MongoDB. He is a total space nerd. Learn more about Randall: https://aws.amazon.com/evangelists/randall-hunt/

About Chuck Meyer: Chuck is a Senior Developer Advocate for AWS CloudFormation. Chuck spends his time focused on how CloudFormation can help AWS’ developer community reduce the time it takes to deploy infrastructure so they can focus on their applications. Chuck has worked directly with AWS customers first a Senior Consultant and then as Specialist Solution Architect focused on DevOps, infrastructure automation, and security. He has served in operational, development, and management positions in IT departments across the public and private sector. He wishes he had more time to play bass.

• Schedule
6-6:30 – Meet and greet with Pizza
6:30-7:15 – AWS re:Invent 2017 recap (Randall Hunt)
7:15-8:00 – Deep dive on CloudFormation focused on protecting your stacks with guardrails, deploying across accounts and regions and detecting drift in your stacks (Chuck Meyer)
• Location provided by Lifestyle Communities! Thanks LC (https://lifestylecommunities.com/)!

• Food provided by Blubrry Podcasting! Thanks Blubrry (https://www.blubrry.com/)!

• Directions
Lifestyle Communities: 230 West St · Columbus, OH

There are meters available near by, though LC recommends parking in lot I, Cinema Garage (letter “i”) noted on map attached to the AWS Columbus meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Columbus-AWS-Amazon-Web-Services-Meetup/events/246420466/