Part of Innovate New Albany’s TIGER Workshops Series.

If you are the owner, leader, or manager of an entrepreneurial organization who wants to see your business consistently run better and grow faster, this workshop is designed to help you and your team SIMPLIFY, CLARIFY and ACHIEVE your vision.

Even the most successful entrepreneurs occasionally find running a business more challenging than they expected. Many work longer hours and get less return on their investment of time and money than they would like. Most entrepreneurs regularly grapple with one or more of the following challenges:

• Lack of Control: Over time, the market or the company

• People: They don’t listen, understand or follow through

• Profit: There simply isn’t enough of it

• Growth: It may be okay, but they just cannot seem to break through to the next level

• Magic Pills: They’ve read lots of books, tried lots of ideas, and remedies and quick-fixes have come and gone, but the wheels are still spinning

Attendees will walk away more focused, clear on priorities and issues, healthier as a leadership team, and using tools that will help them gain more TRACTION.

</a>Michael Erath is a life-long Entrepreneur whose passion is to help fellow Entrepreneurs and their Leadership Teams get everything they want from their business.

During his 20+ year career of starting and building businesses, Michael’s passion has always been solving issues and building great teams. After years of searching for the right system around which he could structure his businesses, Michael was introduced to the Entrepreneurial Operating System ® (EOS) in 2013 by way of the book TRACTION. After implementing EOS in his own business, Michael not only saw tremendous growth in Gross and Net margins through internal growth of the company, but also witnessed his Leadership Team come together and lead the company as a unified and healthy team. This growth of the Leadership Team allowed Michael to eventually exit the day-to-day operations of the business and pursue his passion of helping his fellow Entrepreneurs as a Certified EOS Implementer.

Michael now works with Entrepreneurs and their Leadership teams from his EOS Facilitation and Training locations in both Arizona and Ohio. In his sessions, Michael trains his clients in the proper use and implementation of the EOS tools, helping them increase clarity around the VISION for where their company is going and how it is going to get there. He also helps his clients gain TRACTION by bringing discipline and accountability into the organization so that the Vision can be more quickly and successfully realized. Finally, he helps his clients build HEALTHY, functional, and cohesive Leadership Teams because unfortunately, leaders don’t often function well as a team. From there, as goes the Leadership Team, so goes the rest of the organization.

The ultimate goal of Michael’s work is to create in each of his clients a level of independence, not dependence, so that they will eventually ‘graduate’ from working with Michael, take on EOS as their own new way of life, and move forward with a healthy, strong, disciplined and accountable organization, filled with great people, doing great work, and creating a truly great organization.

8:30a – Registration & Networking
9:00a – Workshop Begins
10:30a – Workshop Concludes & Networking Resumes

Free! (& we will have coffee)

<a href=””>Register Now »»

A special THANK YOU to Results Marketing for sponsoring.