5:30 – 6:00 PM – Dinner & Networking
6:00 – 6:30 PM – Apigee Service Broker Integration
6:30 – 7:30 PM – BOSH (what does that even mean? See below!)
7:30 – 7:45 PM – Q&A
Apigee – With the new Route Services in Cloud Foundry 1.7 you can process requests before they reach an application. This new capability was designed with APIs in mind, and makes it easy to add functionality such as security, traffic management, and caching to requests. Carlos Eberhardt from Apigee will provide a brief overview of Route Services, discuss building a CF Service Broker to leverage route services, and demonstrate how to use the Apigee Edge Service Broker for PCF to integrate an API platform with your CF applications.
Speaker BIO:
Carlos Eberhardt – Carlos has been an Apigeek for the past four years. He wears different hats, including ones from Product Management, Engineering, and Sales. He lives in Minnesota.
BOSH – Then, let’s talk about a little thing called BOSH. Now if you’ve ever had anything to do with Cloud Foundry, or Pivotal Cloud Foundry in particular, the word bosh may have come up in the conversation. Depending on which country you’re from the word bosh can mean nothing, literally it doesn’t mean anything, or it can mean rubbish is another meaning for the word BOSH. In this case BOSH is anything but rubbish, it’s actually very, very handy. It is an open source tool chain for release engineering deployment and life cycle management of large scale distributed services. That could be interesting and could be useful.
Now, many people when they hear the word BOSH … that’s B-O-S-H … say, ‘Ah, what does BOSH stand for?’ It’s an acronym. It’s actually a self referencing acronym. BOSH stands for the BOSH Outer shell, which in itself is BOSH. In true computer geek humor, hilarious, didn’t stop laughing until I started. That’s what BOSH stands for. Now you know that it doesn’t actually stand for anything in particular. I’m sure you could come up with some ideas though if you like as well.
What is interesting about BOSH is not so much the name, is what it does, because it tackles a notoriously challenging problem and handles it very, very well. Because deploying distributed systems is a nontrivial problem. Getting systems to run in a consistent way cross all the nodes is hard in the first instance. What is even harder is upgrading those systems live, while the system is running, in a seamless and reliable way as well. Really, really difficult. That is what BOSH is here to help us with.
The other thing that BOSH does really well is it does this in an infrastructure as a service agnostic way. It is designed to be completely neutral as to what you’re deploying upon. This means that we can extend it to work on different providers, be they on premises cloud providers, to public cloud providers, and anything in between, as and when needs dictate. Currently BOSH will support VMware vSphere, Openstack, it supports Amazon web services, as well as Microsoft Azure & Google Compute.
Speaker BIO:
Carl Daver – Enterprise Yaml Architect who spends most days BOSH deploying things onto Cloud Foundry, or works on Spring Cloud Streams and Spring Cloud Dataflow.