Four days before launching 1487 Brewery’s KickStarter Crowd Funding campaign, troubleshooting begins as the minute-by-minute schedule hits a few snags. After a week of late nights getting the Brewery room built, 1487 Brewery founder Ben King anxiously awaited the set up of the company’s new pilot brewing system Friday at his home in Alexandria, OH with his brewmaster’s arrival. The plan to brew the company’s very first batches of beer with a Hefeweizen and original German-American Pale Ale was to be documented on camera for potential crowd-funding backers. However, as we began to brew, both pumps of the pilot system went down. After a quick regroup and temporary reworking of the system our brewmaster powered through to keep the schedule going. The race against the clock for Tuesday’s KickStart submission continued with last minute takeaways and adds to the campaign’s pledge list and offers. The video was shot on iPhones and edited with the iMovie format which also proved challenging for a more advanced and professional look. The late nights for King and his team going into Tuesday proved to be worth it with the acceptance of the campaign through KickStarter and official launch Thursday. The first batches of beer continues to ferment and the first tasting will again be documented and added to the campaign within the next few weeks. To view all the campaign updates, go to “I know we had many late nights this past week. Thanks to our team for your extra efforts and for a great campaign launch!” – King